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Phytodess Paris

Phytodess Trichobiol Concentrate

Fortifying Concentrate

This concentrate is an optimized combinations of vitamins, minerals and the High Concentration Alistin-Capillisil complex with proven effectiveness in thinning hair prevention and hair density improvement.

Alistin Capillisil Haute Concentration Complex: improve high density and fight appearance of thinning hair
Vitamins B2, B5, B6 and Zinc: contributes to hair thickness
Essential oils (Orange & Lavander): helps boost surface micro-circulation and purify the scalp

Intensive initial 3-month treatment: apply 1 vial to the scalp everyday for 1 month, then 1 vial every 2 days for 2 months. Maintenance treatment: apply 1 vial to the scalp every 3 days. For optimum resuls, follow complete 3-month treatment. Take the necessary precautions when opening (see enclosed leaflet). Cosmetic product for external use only, avoid contact with eyes.

14 x .16 oz